Monday, September 29, 2003

Meet Polly's Mom

...or is it creator?   Hmmm... does that make me a Goddess?  I kinda like that!

My name is Lorie O Follett and I've always been an artist. I don't even remember when I wasn't driven to create.

Mostly I make art dolls and figurines that are sold online and in shops.  My primary medium is polymer clay these days although I use a lot of different materials and techniques.

As a child I didn't like to play dolls or rather my idea of playing dolls was dramatically different than my sister's idea of playing with dolls.

A year and a half younger than me, my sister would absolutely beg me to play Barbies with her. Sometimes I would not accept until she did my chores. I know I was a bad sister.

Every time the problem would started with the very first thing to come out of her mouth. It would go like this:

Her: " Okay, so Barbie's going to the beach..."

Me: "Oh! She needs a towel! and swim suit! and a beach bag! ... it'll only take a minute."

I'd immediately set off happily, frantically cutting, stitching , crocheting while my sister would be making like a tea kettle!

First the arms cross in a huffy manner, then the whimpering, followed by crying with a steadily increasing volume and ear-splitting shrillness until finally she'd explode "You always do this!"

Looking back I don't understand why she continued to want to play dolls with me - it was a never ending battle for her to try to find something Barbie could do that did not require anything for me to make.

For me it was a like a crazy, exciting Project Runway thing - Junior edition. Funny, she never came up with Barbie as a nudist... oh yeah, we were Mormon and didn't know what that was!

I haven't really changed much. In high school and dating often I would just be finishing up sewing something to wear as my date rang the doorbell. Again a crazy, exciting Project Runway - Teen edition.

Years later I was finishing the hem on my wedding dress in the car on the way to the ceremony.

Polly's creation was a bit like that too except it wasn't her hem I was sewing at the last minute!

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