Wednesday, October 29, 2003

Polly goes to the Library

 Polly spent a few days at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City where my parents were serving a mission for the Mormon church.

My mother set her up in the library just to mess with people when they came it - yes it runs in the family.  Just off camera is a little dog barking and straining at his leash.  Nobody was sure if he was trying to protect her or just wanted to investigate! The owner of the dog looked a little spooked by Polly.

Dogs react strangely to her... I think she just doesn't smell right to them.

Monday, October 20, 2003

Polly at the Bead Show

Polly spent the next week helping out at the Renaissance Bead Show in Denver.  She very kindly held a mirror for customers to view their potential purchases.
A security guard was stationed at a door straight across from where Polly sat slowly surveying the show, trying to spot would-be shoplifters.  She could feel someone staring at her.  Her annoyance grew when she realized it was Polly and her unblinking stare.  She finally got angry and decided to confront Polly for being so rude. 

When she'd had enough she stormed over to the booth but when she got close enough to see clearly she started, she screamed "She scared the hell out of me!"
Unfortunately Polly's presence proved to be of interest but acted as a sale deterrent so she was fired and moved to the back area of the booth where she could be appreciated without being perceived as threatening. 
Being moved turned out to be good for her social life.  Stan the Raku man, a vendor in the next booth fell in love with Polly and even gave her a gift of a raku piece he had made. 
We had a great time and headed home making friends all along the highway.

Friday, October 3, 2003

The Birth of Polly

As I was preparing for my first polymer clay artist retreat in the mountains of Colorado I figured, hey I don't have nearly enough to do packing, and preparing myself and my online auctions and sales ready for a one week break, I'll a life-size doll to take with me to mess with people.

I'm all about making new friends in a dignified, grownup manner. You never get a second chance to make a bad first impression... or something like that.

It made perfect sense to me to wait until I got there to stuff the body because there wasn't really room in the car for another "person". (And no I did not think far enough to what to do coming home...)

So after the 8 hour drive I frantically stuffed the body and sewed up the uh... crack. As I was concentrating on my proctological task the door to my shared room opened and a small group of artists took one look at me and that was it. To this day I don't think I have done anything to change that first impression

So Polly spent her first week at a polymer clay artists retreat in Colorado.

Both startling and comforting she sat in the corner not doing much but did manage to receive the gift of a wonderful necklace featuring the image of the late Jerry Garcia of Grateful Dead fame.

Several participants were startled upon spotting her sitting in the common room and not wanting to be rude tried to talk to her before realizing.