Thursday, July 15, 2004

Bathroom Humor

Okay, I know this is less than dignified but just for a laugh we put Polly on the toilet with her head facing the door as a little surprise for the visiting friends and relatives.

After a long drive across country our friend who had stayed awake by drinking huge quantities of Coke bolted into the house desperate for the toilet.  Due to the shock, he said he didn't need to go anymore... not sure I want to know the details on that one!

We positioned her on the toilet again as a little greeting for my visiting Aussie Brother-in-law and neice to discover when we got home from a shared vacation. 

They were indeed surprised but not as much as our friend Mary who kindly stopped in while we were gone to water the houseplants

She said she was walking down the hall past the semi-darkened room in our empty house and saw what she thought was an elderly, possible homeless lady on the can and just about peed herself!

I figure Polly would make a great burglar deterrent.

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